What is a real university life?

Hi, I will introduce myself.

I am so-called a university student.

I’m belong to a science faculty.

And I learn computational physics.

By the way, do you know what computational physics is?

We will research about physical phenomenon by using computer simulations.

This field is relatively new one, and it is expected to grow as speck of computer increased.


Let’s talk about my resent life.

I have so many classes from Monday to Friday.

Since I resister too many lectures, I have no time to do anything except for study.

It may be an ideal life of university students.

But I must say it honestly, that it is too busy, and I’m tired.

Now, I have 13 lectures and 18 periods are occupied by them.

Quantum mechanics, statistical thermodynamics, programing, and two experiments.

Each lecture is heavy, difficult and complicated.

1 period is 90minutes, thus my weekly timetable is filled with lectures.

Each lecture sets us homework, and it is a little bit heavy.

We also do preparation and review because I am not clever enough to remember and master them at once.

As a result, all my life is spent into studies.


Maybe, it is the life what we university students should be.

But, to be honest, I’m tired.

And I want to ask someone, that who said that university students have enough time to have fun?

I must think that the person who said it couldn’t be a university student, and the person had never seen actual university students.

Perhaps, the era has changed, and ancient universities and current universities may have different systems and different characteristics each other.

But I must say that I don’t have time to have fun at all.


However, there is still a possibility.

If I am clever and flexible to learn everything, I don’t suffer from my study.

If I have enough ability to memorize everything, I don’t need to repeat something so many times.

If I get hang of it enough, I don’t need to be confused by a lot of tasks.

However, I am not so.

So, I must deal with them suffering from them.

I’ll do it, and I will enjoy my so-called university life.

In fact, I am happy enough to live such a life because my life is so meaning-full.

Goodbye! I must process next homework.